
Now voice this! 7!

That’s right, hot on the heels of the last one, Mr. Huber is running the 7th iteration of his online voiceover competition. Actually, it’s been in progress for a few weeks now, and not only am I in the thick of it, I’ve made it to the quarterfinals (i.e., round 3).

Here’s my round 1 entry:

Which led to my round 2 entry:

Which got me to the quarterfinals, whose results are still pending, but here’s my entry:

I’d appreciate it if y’all would cross all your fingers/toes/etc. for me. Thanks!


Hey! I know that the silence here has been pretty deafening. It’s not that I don’t have anything going on, it’s just that I have so much going on that voice work has taken a back seat.

Fear not, though, ladies and gentlemen. I will be back. One recent development is my participation in a project for new drivers by our local public insurance agency. I will post more info as I have it.

Hang in there, folks. The personal upheaval will (hopefully) lead to more time free for making more talky-sounds with my mouth-hole.

Want it gone

Of course, I’m referring to COVID-19. I’m also referring to the title of my second (and probably last) Jonathan-Coulton-Portal-2-inspired Coronavirus parodies which I present to you.

Based on JoCo’s “Want You Gone” from Portal 2, I (again) did the arrangement myself in Logic Pro. This time, I feature the vocal stylings of Samantha, one of my Mac’s text-to-speech voices, modulated through the Vielklang plugin.


Want It Gone (COVID-19)

FIXED: Still alive

Born of a combination of boredom, quarantine, and an abiding fandom for both Jonathan Coulton and the Portal franchise, I present Still Alive (COVID-19 Remix).
The original music was written by Jonathan Coulton. I did the arrangement in Logic Pro, and wrote the lyrics myself.

EDIT: Hey, remember a couple of days ago, when I posted my COVID-19 remix of Jonathan Coulton's "Still Alive"? Welp, it was only after I made the video and uploaded it that I realized I actually own a Logic plugin that would let me do a much better computer-y voice. Long story short, I redid the vocals, tweaked the video, and uploaded Version 2.0 to my channel for your enjoyment. Feel free to let me know what you think!

New Supa Strikas

The official Supa Strikas YouTube account has posted a new episode, Episode 78 - The Crunch, and warning: it contains more me than ever before!

In it, I voice Dooma, the captain of the Supa Strikas’ arch-rivals Invincible United, and man, have they got it out for the Strikas’ captain, Dancing Rasta.

You can find a supercut of Dooma’s scenes in the Projects and Stuff section of the site, or you can just go watch the entire episode.

Here’s to the roAring 20’s!

I was racking my brain trying to come up with a deep post to ring in the new year, and fellow voice actor Neil Kaplan (heh… “fellow”… I’ve got some catching up to do) beat me to it:

” May 2020 be a year in which you happily give more than you receive

May you receive more than you hope for

May you hope more than you worry

May you worry more than you fear

May your fears be few and far between

May laughter be abundant

May good health allow you to enjoy it all”

How can I improve on that, I ask you? All the best to everyone! Happy New Year!!

We Are “GO” For audiobOok!

Today is the day! I’m super proud to announce the release of my latest #audiobook, Infinitum One: Origin, written by Steven Luna, on Audible. Check it out and grab a copy here: